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Keyless entry systems are becoming increasingly popular in the world of consumer security. From remote start systems to push-button entry, keyless entry is the wave of the future. Buying the right system for your needs is essential for keeping your home or business secure. Before making a purchase, there are several keyless entry features you must consider.

When researching keyless entry systems, it’s important to understand what these systems can do and how they work. A keyless entry system typically consists of a transmitter, receiver, and a receiver/transmitter. The keyless entry transmitter and receiver both have an identification chip that is encoded with a unique code. When prompted, the transmitter sends the code to the receiver and unlocks the door.

There are many types of keyless entry systems that are available. Some are basic while others include more advanced features such as remote access, fingerprint recognition, and voice or facial recognition. Here is a look at some of the features you should keep in mind when shopping for a keyless entry system.

Remote Access

This technology allows you to use your keyless entry transmitter from any location. This can be especially useful if you have multiple entrances to a building or multiple access points to a home. With a remote access system, you can open the door without being in the same vicinity as the receiver. This type of system is not only convenient, but it also offers an extra degree of security.

Fingerprint Recognition

Fingerprint recognition has come a long way over the years. Fingerprint recognition systems are becoming increasingly popular in the keyless entry industry. With this system, your fingerprint is scanned and used as a code to unlock the door. This technology provides an extra layer of security that traditional keys don’t offer. It also eliminates the need for multiple keys and adds an extra layer of convenience when opening locks.

Voice or Facial Recognition

The latest technology to hit the keyless entry market is voice or facial recognition. This uses the same technology as fingerprint recognition, but the code is identified through facial or voice recognition. This type of system is great for businesses that need to screen employees before allowing access.


As with any technology, price is always a factor. Keyless entry systems can range in price from basic to expensive. The cost of the system should be taken into consideration when it comes to protection. Also, keep in mind that keyless entry systems require installation and regular maintenance.

When looking for a keyless entry system, be sure to do your research. Compare features, prices, and warranties to find the best system for your needs. Keyless entry systems can add an extra layer of security and convenience to your home or business.

At Locksmith Columbus, we offer our customers a variety of keyless entry systems. Our experts can help you find the right system for your needs and our experienced technicians can install it quickly and efficiently. Give us a call today at (614) 585-8955 to learn more about keyless entry systems.

A Guide to Keyless Entry Systems for LockSmith Columbus

Do you want to keep your home, business, and car secure and safe while adding a layer of convenience and modernity? Keyless entry systems are the perfect solution. Locksmith Columbus in Central Ohio is the local leader in keyless entry installation and repair.

In this guide, we’ll provide you with all the information you need to make an informed choice on the right keyless entry system for your needs. Let’s get started.

What is a Keyless Entry System?

A keyless entry system allows you to open a door without using a key. This technology uses specialized code-recognized features like transponders or fingerprints to open a door. The keyless entry system eliminates the need to carry keys to enter your home, allowing you to open a door with a single code entry.

Types of Keyless Entry Systems

Keyless entry systems come in a range of styles and sizes, so you can choose the perfect system for your needs. Here are some of the most common types:

  • Smart Lock Keyless Entry
  • Fingerprint Keyless Entry
  • Keypad Keyless Entry
  • Radio Frequency Keyless Entry
  • Biometric Keyless Entry

Smart Lock Keyless Entry

Smart lock keyless entry systems use wireless technology to connect locks to smartphones, tablets, or other smart devices. You can open a door or turn off an alarm system by simply entering your code and/or a fingerprint if applicable. This makes it easy to keep track of who’s coming and going from your home or business.

Fingerprint Keyless Entry

Fingerprint keyless entries use your unique fingerprints instead of a code to open the door. This makes it impossible for someone else to enter your building without you knowing. It also eliminates the need to keep track of and replace a lost or stolen key.

Keypad Keyless Entry

A keypad keyless entry system uses an electronic keypad to assign codes that can be used to open the door. This type of system is convenient when you have multiple people who need access to the building. It allows you to easily create, change, and delete codes.

Radio Frequency Keyless Entry

Radio frequency keyless entry systems use radio frequencies to securely open and close a door. When a code is entered, the system reads the code and sends a signal that unlocks the door. This makes it easy for multiple people to enter the space, while still keeping it secure.

Biometric Keyless Entry

Biometric keyless entry systems use fingerprint recognition to open a door. This is an upgraded form of security as it requires an exact fingerprint match to gain access. This level of security is perfect for high-security areas where you want to be certain no one can access except those you give permission.

Benefits of Keyless Entry Systems

Keyless entry systems offer a range of benefits, making them an ideal choice for home and business owners who want to add an extra layer of security to their building. Here are some of those benefits.

  • Increased Security: Keyless entry systems provide an extra layer of security, making it more difficult for unauthorized individuals to gain access to the building.
  • Convenience: Keyless entry systems are much easier to use than traditional keys. This makes it easier for people to enter and exit the building without having to fumble for a key.
  • Flexibility: Keyless entry systems are highly customizable. This allows you to set up a code that is easy to remember and hard to guess.
  • Peace of Mind: Keyless entry systems give you peace of mind knowing that no one can get access to your property without your permission.

Installing a Keyless Entry System in Your Home or Business

If you’re interested in installing a keyless entry system in your home or business in Central Ohio, you’ve come to the right place. At Locksmith Columbus, we are the local experts in keyless entry installation and repair.

We offer a range of keyless entry systems to meet the needs of any homeowner or business owner. We also offer superior customer service, making sure that you get the right system for your needs.

Whether you need to install a keyless entry system in your home or business or need an emergency service call, we are here to help. Give us a call today at (614) 585-8955 and we’ll help you find the keyless entry system that is perfect for your needs.

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