Key problems can range from from lost, broken, and misaligned keys to malfunctioning locks. The inability to properly use a key or lock can lead to serious security issues, so it’s important to be aware of the many potential issues that can occur and how to identify them.
The first key problem that commonly requires professional attention is a lost key. Keys can slip through the cracks of your purse or wallet, get accidentally thrown away, or stuck in a crevice. If you’ve lost your key, don’t just try to replace it yourself. A trusted locksmith will be able to rekey the lock if needed or provide a replacement, and will be able to do so without compromising the security of your home or vehicle.
The second key problem is a broken key. Your keys may get stuck in the lock or get snapped off in the deadbolt. If this happens, don’t try to force the key out- invest in professional repair. Extraction can be a painstaking and difficult task, and if done improperly, could lead to damage in the locking system.
Finally, a misaligned key may require professional attention. This occurs when the key is difficult to turn inside the lock, even when it looks like it’s the right size. An experienced locksmith will be able to take a look and figure out why the key is having difficulty latching onto the pins in the lock.
In conclusion, these are just a few of the common key problems that require professional repair. Professional locksmiths are trained to properly evaluate and repair a wide array of key problems to ensure that your locks are secure.
We all know that there are times when things simply don’t go as planned. Whether your key breaks off in the lock or you’ve been locked out of your home, keys can cause a lot of issues. It’s important to remember that key problems are usually simple and straightforward to repair, but it’s best to call a professional locksmith such as Locksmith Columbus in Central Ohio for assistance. When you find yourself in a situation where a key issue requires professional help, here are some common issues that could be to blame and some tips to consider.
The Shifty Key
One of the most common key issues is difficulty inserting the key into the lock or the key slipping out of the lock after it’s been inserted. This is often caused by the key wearing down from overuse or corrosion due to exposure to the elements. It could also be the result of a misaligned lock, which is a result of the lock itself being installed improperly.
The Jammed Lock
Another common issue is the lock jamming when you insert the key. This can be caused by a build-up of dirt and debris, which can interfere with the mechanism of the lock, or it could be due to a problem with the key. To fix the problem, a locksmith can clean the lock and realign the pins if necessary. In the case of a problematic key, they’ll be able to create a new one to ensure the lock is working properly.
The Stuck Key
When a key gets stuck in the lock, it’s almost always because something is blocking the lock’s cylinder and jamming the key. In order to dislodge the key, a locksmith will typically try to pull it out and then have to take apart the lock and clear out the debris. This takes a lot of skill and requires professional attention.
Key Duplication
Nowadays, it’s quite common for people to own more than one key, whether for convenience or to share the key with a family member or friend. However, when you need multiple keys that are identical, it’s best to go to a professional locksmith as it can be tricky to accurately cut the same key twice.
Adding New Locks
When you’re looking to upgrade your security or change your locks for a new occupant, you should always call in a professional locksmith to get the job done. Not only is it important to get the locks installed correctly, but it is also important to ensure that the locks are all keyed correctly so no one can access your property without your permission.
Rekeying Locks
Rekeying a lock is the process of replacing an existing lock and replacing it with a new key. This is often done when people move into a new residence, when they want to change the locks for added security or when a lock becomes worn out from excessive use. While it’s possible to do this yourself, it’s always best to employ a professional locksmith to ensure that the job is done correctly.
Why You Should Always Hire a Professional Locksmith
When your keys don’t work like they should, it’s always best to rely on a professional locksmith to help you out. Locksmiths have the experience and tools needed to quickly analyze and diagnose issues with keys, locks and other security systems. Not only that, but they’ll have the knowledge and equipment to make sure that the key or lock issue is fixed correctly the first time around.
At Locksmith Columbus, our experienced professionals are well-versed in the various issues that can arise with security systems, locks and keys. Our team is committed to providing superior customer service and will use their expertise to quickly address your key broken problems. Whether it’s a key duplication, a rekeying job or any other key emergency, you can count on Locksmith Columbus to get the job done.
No matter what type of key issue you are dealing with, it’s always best to call in a professional. Whether you are having trouble inserting your key or it’s stuck in the lock, a professional locksmith like Locksmith Columbus in Central Ohio can quickly diagnose the cause and provide you with the right solution to get your key working again. With their expertise and the right tools, they’ll be able to get you back into your home or car quickly and safely.