Steps for Keeping Your Home’s Locks in Good Repair

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Nobody wants to be locked out of their own home. A major headache can be avoided by keeping your door locks in good repair. This article will cover some of the best steps to ensure that your locks continue to operate properly.

Changing the locks periodically, like once a year, is important to help prevent lock bumping. Lock bumping is a method of using a special key to open a lock by lightly tapping it with a bump key. This is one way that someone can gain unauthorized access into your home. Having newer locks can also be helpful in case someone had stolen a key to your home by gaining access to your home or car key copy. Upgrading locks to those that can’t be bumped is a good precautionary measure.

Check the locks to ensure they are functioning correctly. All locks should be working, be smooth, and allow easy entry and exit from the home with minimal effort. Locks that jam often are an indication that something is wrong with them. This can be compensated with lubrication like WD-40 or graphite. It’s also recommended to have a professional locksmith look at them to make sure that there aren’t any other problems.

Keep spare keys in a safe and secure location. It could be wise to keep a spare key in a key activation box, hidden at your doorstep. You can also choose to have an extra set of keys made and place them in an envelope in the mailbox, but this is riskier as anyone can find your key this way.

Be aware of who has access to your home. It’s important to keep track of who has access to your home in case of a security breach. Some people may not think it’s necessary, but it is important to know who is coming and going to prevent any intruders from potentially entering your property and taking away vital information about locks and keys.

Interchangeable core (IC) locks are an important added security feature. Unlike conventional locks, IC locks allow you to replace the core of a lock in seconds with another core. This can quickly restrict access to a door by replacing the core and allowing only certain people to gain entry. The great thing about IC locks is that they are relatively inexpensive and require no additional wiring.

When it comes to security, the locks on the exterior of your home are one of the most reliable methods for keeping your family safe. Taking the necessary steps to keep your home’s locks in good repair can help protect your home from intruders. Follow the steps listed above and make sure you maintain a secure home.

It’s safe to say we’re familiar with the importance of locks. From restrictive access to our business premises to providing us with a sense of security when we’re at home, locks are a vital component to a safe and secure life. Therefore, keeping locks in good condition is paramount to ensuring our security and protecting our premises from the threat of burglary.

That’s why regular upkeep and maintenance of locks is important. In this blog post, we’re going to discuss the importance of having locks in good repair and the steps homeowners can take to keep their locks in tip-top condition.

Why Is It Important to Keep Your Home’s Locks in Good Repair?

In short, locks are a primary form of defense against burglars and other criminals. By keeping them in good condition, are less likely to become damaged, malfunction or give an intruder easy access to your home. In addition to protecting your home and everything within it, regular upkeep of locks can also help to reduce the risk of fires or other accidents.

Aside from defending your premises against criminals or accidents, you should also prioritize keeping your locks in good condition in order to maintain the value of your property. When you eventually come to sell your home, prospective buyers may inspect the locks, so having them in good condition is often taken into consideration.

What Are the Steps to Keeping Your Home’s Locks in Good Repair?

There are a variety of steps homeowners can take in order to ensure their locks are in the best condition. These include:

1. Visual Inspection

This should be done on a regular basis and requires testing the functionality of the locks to make sure they are still working as they should. Locks that have been left open, or are starting to rust, require close inspection to ensure they are still in good condition.

2. Get Professional Help

If, during your visual inspection, you notice something isn’t quite right, or if your locks are starting to look somewhat worn, then it’s important to seek professional help as soon as possible to address the issue and make sure your property and belongings are kept safe and sound.

By calling in a professional locksmith who specializes in lock repair and replacement, you can ensure your locks are in the best condition possible. Locksmith Columbus are able to provide a range of services that are designed to secure your premises and also enhance the overall level of security at the same time.

3. Act Quickly to Any Issues

As with any form of maintenance or repairs, addressing any issues with your locks quickly can save you from potential headaches further down the line. For instance, if a key is starting to stick and not turn smoothly, then getting it professionally checked can help to prevent it from becoming easily damaged or potentially losing it altogether.

4. Replace Old Locks

Given the improvements and advancement of technology, old locks can be easily compromised, so it’s important to replace them with more secure, modern-day alternatives. With the various types of locks available on the market, homeowners can easily find something suitable for their needs. However, to ensure you’ve purchased the right type of lock, it’s important to seek professional advice from a trained locksmith.

5. Take Preventative Measures

In addition to getting help from a professional, there are various preventative measures homeowners can take in order to ensure their locks remain in good condition. These include not leaving keys in locks, keyholes or within easy reach of burglars, and avoiding the use of over-sized or wrongly-sized keys – using the correct key size is of paramount importance for the safe and secure operation of the lock.


Locks are a vital component for a safe and secure home and are the primary form of defense against burglars. As such, it’s important to keep locks in good condition to ensure the security of the premises and everything within it. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, homeowners can rest assured their locks are in good repair and health. In addition, professional locksmiths like Locksmith Columbus can provide helpful advice and assistance when it comes to keeping your home’s locks in good repair.

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